Professional Activities
Service to NYUAD
Since 12/2019
Co-Initiator & Co-Convener Gender & Leadership Roundtable at NYUAD
together with Aurelie Dariel
Co-Coordinator NYUAD Gender Brown Bag
together with Aurelie Dariel
Co-lead Facilitator and Author of the NYUAD Gender Studies Minor Program
Divisions of Arts & Humanities, Social Science, and Science
Faculty Advisor / NYUAD Student Leadership Program
Office of Student Life
Co-chair Research Kitchen “Culture, Rights, and Representation in and for the 21st Century”
together with Umair Bilal, Division of Arts & Humanities
Postdoctoral Representative
NYUAD Postdoc Council / NYUAD Faculty Council
Service to the Profession
Career Development Officer / Early Career Committee
International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP)
Since 2019
Member, Council of the Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe
Lausanne, Switzerland
Journal, Grant, and Prize Refereeing
Since 2014