Publications in Preparation

“Introduction: The European Commission under President Ursula von der Leyen—A Critical Actorness Approach”
In: “The European Commission under President Ursula von der Leyen: Gender, Leadership, Policies and Crises,” eds. Gabriele Abels, Johanna Kantola, Emanuela Lombardo, and Henriette Müller, under contract with OUP.

“Gender and Leadership in Times of Crisis: Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Agenda-Setting” (Chapter 4)
In: “The European Commission under President Ursula von der Leyen: Gender, Leadership, Policies and Crises,” eds. Gabriele Abels, Johanna Kantola, Emanuela Lombardo, and Henriette Müller, under contract with OUP.

“Conclusions: Political Leadership and the Differential von der Leyen Effect”
Co-authored with Michael W. Bauer. In: “The European Commission under President Ursula von der Leyen: Gender, Leadership, Policies and Crises,” eds. Gabriele Abels, Johanna Kantola, Emanuela Lombardo, and Henriette Müller, under contract with OUP.

“The Political Opposition of the European Parliament: A Rhetorical Analysis of Parliamentary Speeches”
Co-authored with Pamela Pansardi

“Women and Leadership in the Executive”
In: “The Elgar Encyclopedia on Gender and Politics,” Zoe Lefkofridi (ed.), Edward Elgar, under contract.

“Pathways to Leadership: Women’s Careers Across the EU Institutions”
Co-authored with Ingeborg Tömmel

“Gender, Language, and Leadership in European Politics: A Comparison of Ursula von der Leyen, Roberta Metsola, and Christine Lagarde”
Co-authored with John Scherpereel (data collection stage)

“The Leadership Traits of Populist Women Leaders: Marine Le Pen, Giorgia Meloni and Alice Weidel in Comparative Perspective”
Co-authored with Klara-Josefin Ehrnst (data collection completed)

“Motherhood and Political Power: A Global Perspective”
(data collection completed)